Your Voice Matters In The Fight Against Anticompetitive Practices!
We’re Preparing A Submission:
Share Your Experience
New Housing, Jobs, And Fair Competition Under Threat From Dexus
The ACCC is investigating anticompetitive practices with the Supermarkets Inquiry underway.
Seymour Group is preparing a submission with the focus on anticompetitive practices by Landlords and is seeking case studies.
We're calling on all retailers who have had experiences with Dexus to come forward and share their stories.
Your insights will be crucial in exposing potential patterns of anticompetitive practices and helping to ensure a fair playing field for all businesses.
Have you faced:
Your experiences matter. By sharing them, you can contribute to a more transparent and equitable retail landscape.
Together, we can work towards a retail environment that fosters fair competition and supports the growth of all businesses.
"Mall War: Kevin Seymour Accuses Dexus Of Anticompetitive Conduct"
In an exclusive report by the Australian Financial Review, Kevin Seymour has condemned Dexus for its tactics to block Council approved development in Brisbane.
Seymour argues that Dexus' appeal against the project, which includes an 800-apartment precinct and essential urban amenities including a Coles supermarket, is unjustified and could deprive Brisbane residents of vital urban facilities amidst a housing crisis.
As The ACCC Investigates Australia’s Supermarket Sector, Dexus' Anti-Competitive Tactics Stifle Development Amid Brisbane's Housing Crisis
A world-class 800-apartment Newstead precinct housing Coles and Harris Farms, received Council approval in September last year and is now disputed by rival Dexus.
"Dexus Vanishes Its Competition Policy"
A report featured in AFR reveals that Dexus has quietly deleted its competition policy from its website amidst it's legal battle appealing the new Newstead Green development.
"Supermarkets, Shopping Centres And The Weaponisation Of Planning"
In an article on the weaponisation of planning laws by supermarket giants, Ross Elliott highlights how restrictive planning schemes in Australia have been used to stifle competition and maintain a duopoly in the grocery sector.
"Planning schemes have been mercilessly weaponised to minimise competition."
A senior Westfield executive once said to me: “Ross, we would object to a competitor moving a plant pot if we thought it was in our interests to do so.”
Elliott discusses how established retailers use planning laws to block rivals, protecting their market dominance under the guise of preserving retail hierarchy.
"Are Australian supermarkets the "bad boys" of the economy?"
"Why have supermarkets for so long behaved so anti-competitively compared to other retailers or commercial and industrial businesses?"
"Since we know that competition is not a valid argument in planning, this probably won’t fly — it will just cost time, money and the resources of the courts."
Landlords Investigated By The ACCC For Inhibiting Retail Competition
"The entry (or potential entry) of new supermarkets, and growth of competitors to the major supermarkets, are important sources of competition. It is therefore important to assess whether there are any barriers that may be preventing or hindering effective new entry or expansion."
"The availability of retail sites may be impacted by strategic practices (such as land banking, restrictive leases and other contractual restrictions or arrangements with developers) and regulatory hurdles (such as planning and zoning)."
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